Recent work
We’ve been busy this spring, adding to our growing list of clients with 4 new websites! Check out our porfolio for all the details. (more…)
We’ve been busy this spring, adding to our growing list of clients with 4 new websites! Check out our porfolio for all the details. (more…)
We all know that it is bad practice in HTML to use tables for layout. “Only use tables for tabular data” is what we have been told since the advent of CSS (tabular data being data that is well suited to rows and columns, like anything in a spreadsheet). (more…)
Three days ago I made the switch from Aptana, which I have been using for about 5 years, to NetBeans. (more…)
Part 4 continues from WAMP Part 3 – SSL and will conclude the WAMP series. It includes the remaining configuration changes necessary to help your development server match your production server and allow you to test all the features of your programs before putting them into production. (more…)
Part 3 continues from WAMP Part 2 – virtual hosts. Enabling SSL allows you to access your sites securely, via SSL (https). (more…)
Part 2 continues from WAMP Part 1 – installation. Virtual hosts in Apache allow the server to run multiple sites at the same time, from whatever folders we want. (more…)
This is the first part of a 4 part series on WAMP setup and configuration. Part 1 is a newer version of the original WAMP setup post that includes the following versions of the software in the stack.
For designing web sites, it is a breath of fresh air. Now that Vanadium has officially dropped support for IE7 and older browsers, we can finally start using the CSS box-sizing property. (more…)
Today I was trying to adjust a responsive design to change its layout at the right width for specific devices (landscape on iPhone 5 and Nexus 4), and came across this wonderfully comprehensive table in the article Web Design for Mobiles and Tablets – Viewport Sizes. (more…)
For custom web applications, Vanadium has adopted the same browser support policy as Google Apps, supporting the current version of the 4 major browsers, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari, plus the previous major version. (more…)